Interview: Lol Career & Dygma Raise
In this interview we covered multiple topics such as my transition from Lol to Poker, the recent launch of Dygma Raise on Kickstarter or my job as Director of Esports Performance. We also talk about a few useful topics for aspiring coaches such as “How do coaches deal with being lowered ranked than their players” or “Communication advice for casual and competitive environments”.
If you are interesting in interviewing me, drop a comment or message me in Twitter. I really enjoy doing this interviews and it helps me share thoughts that potentially can be helpful for others. When I write articles I answer my own questions but with interviews I talk about stuff that I wouldn’t think of writing about.
About Sam
Sam contacted me in September to create a Podcast for Dygma. We didn’t end up doing one because of lack of time on my side, but we ended up doing this awesome interview.
He currently hosts the Lol Anonymous Podcast, the Eye of the Watchers Podcast and has helped create podcasts for professionals in the industry such as Weldon Green. If you want to learn about League, check his podcasts and if you want to create a podcast, I’d recommend you to contact him.
As I promised in my first blog post, I must publish every Friday at 19:00 CET or I would donate money to charity. I’ve posted late for three weeks in a row so it’s time to pay my debts.
I already paid $80 a few weeks ago. This time it’s $200.
As I said before, or someone gets my knowledge or my money, it’s a win-win 😅