Don’t Judge: mistake & solution

Since I started the blog I’ve been struggling to deliever quality content every week. I tend to be a little too perfectionist and realistically I can’t invest as many hours as I’d like on writing awesome articles.

I’m going to be experimenting with a new format. Short videos (in the 5 minute range) where I talk only about one concept and try to extract one key conclusion.

I would appreciate that you gave me feedback about the format and the content. I could make them longer if there’s enough interest. Or I could talk about specific topics that are better suited for video content.

Here is the first try. Hope you like it 🙂


Shotcalling and communication in competitive Lol


  • Shotcalling very complex and taxing
  • Rarely is done by one player. It’s usually a team effort
  • A system is needed to reduce the mental load of communication and to be able to replicate it in stage games
  • Implementing it can be a nightmare

At the highest levels of League of Legends, communication is the key differential factor between the good and best teams.

Shotcalling is the most complex form of communication. Not only do you need to have a deep understanding of the game; you need to be capable of perceiving subtle details, process them, reach conclusions in split seconds and communicate them. While playing.

We tend to think that great shotcallers micromanage the whole team, but that’s extremely rare. In most cases shotcalling is a team effort. Everyone feeds information, a few suggest plans, make some decisions and one person has the final call. Continue…

How to become a better shotcaller

Disclaimer – During the following days I’ll be launching Raise‘s Kickstarter campaign. I’m overwhelmed with the insane amount of work so this and the following articles will be short ones. I’ll continue with the Org structure article when the insane workload ends (hopefully soon!)

The biggest issue I find in communication is when players think they communicate properly but they don’t. This leads to many conflicts.

A typical scenario is:

  • Mid says “X” to his jungler and expects him to do “Y”
  • The jungler understood “Z” instead of “X” and doesn’t do “Y”
  • Mid, jungler or both die.
  • Mid, jungler or both tilt from the face of earth.

Then they analyze the play and both say: “if you would have done this we would have killed them!” “I told you to do X, why didn’t you do it!?”

From my point of view, if you want someone to do something, you need to make sure that he has understood it. So in this case, it’s the fault of the shotcaller.
